stg blog pendulum packer

STG now has exclusive rights for the new and improved pendulum packer across Australia and New Zealand.

Michael Thobe, speaks to STG Marketing Manager Ruba Khan about what makes the new design so different.

About The Pendulum Packer

The pendulum packer functions by simply swinging up and down to receive and pack waste. Once the pendulum packer is pulled back, it allows the waste to fall into the path of the blade for the next sweep.

One side of the packer blade has an edge which allows the blade to move under the waste waiting to be packed while retracting. The other side of the packer is a flat rectangular face which contacts the waste during the downswing to push the waste into the main body. The pendulum packer is supported by single hinged ‘arm’ on each side. Single hydraulic cylinder on each side of the hopper power these arms. These cylinders are fully accessible from the outside for ease of maintenance.

The cylinders retract to pull the blade upwards and extend to let the pendulum swing down and feed the waste into the main body. The pendulum packer works with the gravity thus allowing fast compaction without requiring heavy force.

The new and improved pendulum packer design will be implemented across the STG Side-loader, The Bandit range. These exclusive rights are registered with IP Australia, under patent number 2004200551.



Interview with Michael Thobe, Aristoc Fabrications

Ruba: “Your father designed the first Pendulum Packer, is that correct?”

Michael: “Yes, the original one was designed by dad.

After a while we redesigned it and improved it and that’s what you guys are getting now.

There’s less maintenance on it because there are no clean out doors on it or anything on there like that. It’s all self-contained, it’s 100% watertight and there are no touching parts inside the actual packer itself.”

R: “So does that mean with the reduced maintenance, that the cost of ownership would be lower as well?

M: “Yes, yeah for sure.

We’ve got a truck here now, it’s ten years old and we haven’t touched it in ten years on the packer side, so that’s pretty good.

It was doing co-mingled recycling so it’s got a lot of glass in it, you know? Steel and everything else, and they’ve lasted really well.”

R: “I’ve heard that it’s had a lot of success overseas, because of course STG has exclusive rights in Australia. We’ve heard that it’s been successful in North America and Scandinavia. Could you please tell me a little more about that?”

M: MTM, we met them at the Munich Waste Expo and got to know the guys there pretty well and MTM actually bought the license rights to Europe and they had those for a while, I can’t remember how many years but then they ended up buying the patent off dad for Europe and from there we ended up going to Canada.

The company called Witki there bought the license rights to North America.

We use heavy steel and it’s simpler, because there’s no touching parts inside the hopper there’s a lot less wear as well.

Yeah, well it’s just easier and it’s simpler. That’s the best way to describe it, it’s simple.

There’s no hydraulics, there’s no hoses, there’s no pins, there’s nothing internally in the hopper.

Easy, simple system and it lasts. The longevity of the packer, you won’t have to touch it, it’s built that strong and the wearability of the material, because it’s all Hardox 450, they just don’t wear out.”

Be sure to watch the full interview on the STG YouTube channel by clicking here:

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